I was full of doubts and I was asking myself a lot of questions like: What’s the use of all this? Where will all this lead? Will I be able to finish it? Am I the right person to do it?
I shared all these thoughts with a good friend that is also a coach. He replied.
And what did he say?
He did not tell me “I understand”, “I know how you feel”, “I was also there”, “I am sorry to hear that”, “If it makes you feel better I am telling you that it happened to others too…”etc.
No, it was more than that!
I will share a part of his email, like this you will understand how he helped me:
Come on, what are you waiting for?Let your questions aside and take action! Is not the website that is holding you back, but you believing that it is.All is going to work just fine. Share your projects with people that are enthusiastic about them.Focus on what you want and the desired results!You say you need motivation…But do you know what motivates you? First you need to move and try it in order to understand what motivates you.Stop asking yourself so many questions right now… “How much do I know”…”Why isn’t this working”…”Is it useful”…”What for”… You know already why are you doing all these things. Do not listen to your saboteur! Feed your mind with positive thoughts and your saboteur will shut up.Stop searching for motivation as you are getting yourself in a vicious circle. Searching for motivation will demotivate you even more as you cannot find it easily. Just take action and you will move into another circle, that is the Success Circle! Just have the courage to step into that circle and you will see you will not complain anymore.And stop complaining! What’s the use? To demotivate you even more and to be a victim?!You don’t need anything else but yourself and your thoughts. You attract success using these thoughts.And stop controlling things! If you see that you cannot control all those things do not give up! But let things come, let yourself driven by intuition and what is really inspiring you.And yes, you are right: there is something bigger that is controlling you. Is it destiny? Is it the outside world? No!The bigger thing that is controlling you is your own mind! Your own thoughts! Yep! Your thoughts are controlling you. But you can control your thoughts! So, take advantage!You have the advantage!Be positive! Positive! Positive!Move yourself from:I have doubts, I am unsure, I am confusetoI start thinkingI think positiveI read positive thingsI watch inspirational moviesI remember myself why I do all thisI remember my objectivesI remember my life purposeI feel that I achieve my objectivesI feel it in my bodyI take action to reach my objectiveI feel that action will lead me to resultI am happyI am successI take action NOW!
Let’s say his email was really strong and not easy to read. I was angry at him first cause he did not understand me. But later I got it: he did understand me, but he did not want to let me in that state of lack of motivation.
I am not sure if he was a coach in that moment or a friend that really wanted me well and had high standards for me. But I can tell you it worked.
So, what can someone do after reading an email like this?
Take action!
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