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What’s Uptitude? Who is Lidia?
If the keywords in the chart are not enough, continue reading the text below. 
Uptitude is a new word, a new concept. A new, positive approach towards development and not only. It’s a new approach to life and business!
It’s a life style where you combine the positive attitude towards yourself and others with your aptitudes, your skills, your work and growth. With this attitude you will build the life you wish for!
It’s something we all have inside of us: the desire to get more out of our lives and grow more as a person. The need to have happiness, abundance, balance, knowledge and the skills to take us to a higher level than the one we are at now.
How did Uptitude come up?
Looking for the word Uptitude on Google, I found something really interesting: in the kiddictionary, a list of strange words the kids are inventing, it was written that uptitude is the intense desire to press the upper button of an elevator. It’s exactly what Uptitudemeans for us too! It’s our intense desire to want more in life, to reach a higher level in our development. We only need the attitude, the skills and the dedication to reach it!
This is what Uptitude does: it helps you grow your potential and reach the level you wish for by using tools like training and coaching. It follows your development closely, it supports you on your way to excellence and gives you a boost in your motivation!
As a company, Uptitude provides a full range of people development solutions that includes services like TrainingCoaching and Support. We provide these services separately and all together.
Our vision is that an integrated solution, where training is followed up by coaching and constant support will help people get inspired, achieve their best potential and change the way they approach life improvement.
Uptitude comes with a fresh, dynamic approach to help our clients make a difference. We are continuously growing, developing our skills in order to inspire our clients to do the same and we are looking to deliver the best qualitative solution, that is focused on the needs of our clients. We are coming with a strong motivation, a lot of passion and a positive approach to all our activities.
Get out of your comfort zone! “Stretch your bungee”! Get an uptitude!
You now know more about Uptitude. Do you want to know more about Lidia too? Read here.